Sunday, January 12, 2014

my thoughts on yawning

OKAY SO ITS LATE SO I HAVE MY THOUGHTS JUST LISTEN TO ME. Now that I have your attention. Why do we yawn. Is there a certain reason? Maybe its our eyes when they feel the urge to release water so every time you yawn it could be your eyes having its own orgasms that are like contagious. Ya feel me?

Friday, January 3, 2014

Thoughts that have come to mind recently

So, tonight I was thinking while watching TV.
Whats it like to be high? I personally have never smoked weed, but I wish there was something that gave us the experience, for example being high or being drunk..But without actually being either. 

What about this: What would happen if I died?
What would everyone do, my parents, my friends, my brothers, everyone in our school? Who would give speeches at my ceremony or funeral?


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